19 novembre 2007
Osama Iyan, 3 ans - Dig Bungla -Retardé
Osama Iyan, 3 ans - Dig Bungla -
Retardé physiquement et mentalement. Il ne peut pas marcher
et n'a aucune force dans les jambes. Il ne peut non plus parler
à cause de son retard mental. Mais son état s'améliore petit à
petit et ses parents espèrent un jour le voir rattraper ce retard.
Osama Iyan, age 3 – Dig Bungla –
Physically and mentally disabled. He can not walk and has no
strength in his legs. He is also unable to speak because of his
mental disability. But his condition is improving daily and his
parents hope that one day he will overcome his disabilities.